

the war in afghanistan

the steven truscott case

Fictional new movie packs ‘emotional truth’ of Steven Truscott’s wrongful conviction for reporter who helped expose the case

Toronto Star, December 12, 2020

It was Canada’s most famous case of a miscarriage of justice. On a movie set in Calgary, Julian had the eerie experience of watching actors portray the Truscotts and himself, re-enacting pivotal scenes that changed all their lives.

Read more articles by Julian on the case here.


A final resting place for ‘Unknown Soldier’ and war hero John Gordon Kavanagh

He was the last Allied officers to die in World War II, a Canadian who led the charge to free a small village in the Netherlands from the Nazis in the closing days of the war. But for decades the villagers never knew who he was - and his family back in Canada never knew what had happened to him. Until a team of journalists helped to solve the mystery and restore the honour of a hero.

protecting children from predators

organized crime & biker gangs

investigative reporting

Julian worked as an investigative reporter for the Globe & Mail in 2011.

Read some of Julian’s news articles and features.


Julian worked as an investigative reporter for the Toronto Star in 2012 and wrote many freelance articles.

Read Julian’s investigative features here.

See The Star's collection of Julian’s stories.